I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn’t, than live my life as if there isn’t, and die to find out there is!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

My husband of five years is not a Christian. I thought he might change with my influence, but he shows no signs, and now I feel "unequally yoked." In view of 2 Corinthians 6:14 am I justified in seeking a divorce?

Divorce Busting
Divorce Busting (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Absolutely not! The Scripture you referenced in no way suggests or condones divorce.  2 Corinthians 6:14-18 admonishes us to be careful in entering into relationships, (all types not just marriage) and that we should enter into relationships with believers whenever possible.  If, for some reason we do not heed the admonition, God has provided ample Scripture to guide us in those relationships, once established, even if we are "unequally yoked." I think the Scripture that is applicable to your situation is 1 Corinthians 7:13,16. Go and read it, and while you are at it read Genesis 2:24.  Remember, your marriage was a covenant with God as well as with your husband. God does not honor divorce, and Christians should not consider divorce an option (or at least the very, very last option in cases of abuse or danger). God joined you together, and told you to stay together, so you better figure out how to do it. I will pray for your situation.

Related scripture:  Matthew 19:4-6

Would you like to know more?  Feel free to email me at: wcweeks1@gmail.com

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Friday, June 16, 2017

I hear Christians speak of the "Trinity" yet I cannot find the word in the Bible. Does that mean it is an un-biblical doctrine?

The Scutum Fidei, a diagram frequently used by...
The Scutum Fidei, a diagram frequently used by Christian apologists to explain the Trinity. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

You are correct in that the word "Trinity" does not appear in the Bible, but the concept is clearly derived from Scripture, and is a biblical doctrine. Throughout the Bible references are made to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. There is but one God existing in three personalities (or persons). In fact, there is very strong biblical support for the doctrine of the Trinity.  Some of the Scripture supporting one God -- 1 Corinthians 8:4, James 2:19, John 5:44, Romans 3:30 and more. On the one hand, the Scripture is clear that there is only one God; yet, it also is clear that there are three distinct persons who are called God in Scripture. God the Father -- 1 Peter 1:2 and others, God the Son (Jesus)-- John 20:28 and others, God the Holy Spirit -- Acts 5: 3,4. The concept of the Trinity carries through the entire Bible and I have given you a very small sampling of supporting Scripture. No, the word Trinity is not used in the Bible; Yes, the doctrine of the Trinity is a valid biblical doctrine.

Related scripture:  Matthew 28:19

Would you like to know more?  Feel free to email me at: wcweeks1@gmail.com

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Friday, June 9, 2017

I am having a little trouble understanding Luke 14:26. Jesus seems to be telling us to hate our families. Is this so?

The front side of folios 13 and 14 of a Greek ...
The front side of folios 13 and 14 of a Greek papyrus manuscript of the Gospel of Luke containing verses 11:50–12:12 and 13:6-24, P. Chester Beatty I (Gregory-Aland no. P 45 ). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Jesus' comments in Luke 14:26 are an example of hyperbole, a form of speech that exaggerates for emphasis. Jesus was setting up an extreme contrast to make a point. He was describing to His disciples the total love and commitment they were to have. In the Hebrew mindset of the time to "hate" simply meant to "love less." Jesus was saying that our supreme love must be for Him. Everything (and everyone) else must take second place. Measuring our love for Christ against all lesser loves may make these lesser loves seem like hate by comparison.

Related scripture:  Matthew 10:37

Would you like to know more?  Feel free to email me at: wcweeks1@gmail.com

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Thursday, June 1, 2017

I'm confused. The Bible says Jesus died on the cross for my sins. What happened to all those people in the Old Testament who died before Jesus came?

The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It's important to remember that Jesus the Christ, the Lamb of God, died for each of us individually; His sacrifice was for all of us, including those in the Old Testament.  You can look upon this as sort of "retroactive" atonement. Remember God always had a plan of redemption for us, and that plan was laid prior to the foundation of the earth being laid. Jesus always was going to be the sacrificial lamb, from the beginning. So the Old Testament believers received the redemption and atonement in the same manner we have; by the blood of Christ. Their sins were imputed to Him beforehand. (see Romans 3:25 --best in the King James version) Christ died for our sins; past, present and future. In the case of the Old Testament believers, it's just past sins.

Related scripture:  Hebrews 9:15

Would you like to know more?  Feel free to email me at: wcweeks1@gmail.com

Take a minute and check out my ebooks, all on one page: http://goo.gl/rTpBXb


Friday, May 19, 2017

My sister's baby boy lived just one year then died. Where will he spend eternity? What if he had died in the womb?

Baby in the womb in fifth month. The woman and...
Baby in the womb in fifth month. The woman and baby died because the mother\'s womb was pointing backwards causing her to miscarry. Hunter\'s recognition of the condition saved many lives and it is no longer a life threatening condition. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Let's start with your second question. First, it is important to know that even though a child in the womb does not "breathe" it is alive in the mother. Therefore it has a soul and a spirit as well as a living body in the prenatal state. This, in essence makes your two questions one. What happens to children who die before they are old enough to accept Jesus as their lord and savior?  Everyone needs salvation, even those too young to know it. We are all born into sin. However, those children who die prior to reaching their individual age of accountability are under the blood and saved by the blood of Christ.  Remember, Jesus died for all, including the children. Children who are to young to accept Jesus, and understand what they have done, will spend eternity in heaven with God. It is very important that just as soon as your children are old enough to understand, you lead them to Christ. See Mark 10:14

Related scripture:  Psalms  58:3

Would you like to know more?  Feel free to email me at: wcweeks1@gmail.com

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Friday, May 12, 2017

I have heard that Jesus was not really God, but was a good moral teacher who was trying to set an example for us. Is this true?

English: An etching by Jan Luyken representing...
English: An etching by Jan Luyken representing "Jesus the Teacher" in the Bowyer Bible, Bolton, England. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Absolutely not!  Jesus told us He is God in several places in the bible.  Read John 6:29,40 & John:8:58. Think about it for a minute; Jesus as only a good moral teacher does not make sense. If Jesus said He is God, and he is not, then he must have been a liar. If he was a liar, how could he have been a good moral teacher, since the act of lying reflects bad morals. Would someone who was just a teacher of moral values claim that the destiny of the world lay in His hands? Would he tell people they would spend eternity in heaven or hell, depending upon their believing in Him? I think not. Further, for Jesus to tell people that He is God, and the Savior of the world (Luke 19:10) when he really was not, would be the height of immorality. Yes, Jesus was (and is) a good moral teacher, but He also was (and is) God.

Related scripture:  John 8:58

Would you like to know more?  Feel free to email me at: wcweeks1@gmail.com

Take a minute and check out my ebooks, all on one page: http://goo.gl/rTpBXb


Friday, May 5, 2017

My parents told me that I was baptized as an infant. Some of my Christian friends say I need to be baptized again. Why?

The supposed location where John baptized Jesu...
The supposed location where John baptized Jesus Christ East of the River Jordan. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Baptism is one part of your overall commitment to Christ. It is a public proclamation of that commitment. That being so, the person being baptized must be old enough to have made a sincere commitment to Christ himself or herself.  Children can do this at a fairly early age in some cases. I see baptism of infants as the parents committing the child to Christ, and that is OK, but I believe the biblical pattern is for people to be baptized following conversion (see Acts 16:29-34 for one example). Baptism is not necessary for salvation. 
1 Corinthians 1:17 Lets not forget the thief on the cross next to Jesus. He was saved though never baptized. Having said that I want to say baptism is biblical and important. If you were baptized young, and/or are not sure you had given you life to Christ prior to your baptism, just do it again. Jesus considered baptism so important that He did it Himself, and made it part of His instructions in "The Great Commission" (read Matthew 28:16-20)

Related scripture:  Matthew 3:16

Would you like to know more?  Feel free to email me at: wcweeks1@gmail.com

Take a minute and check out my ebooks, all on one page: http://goo.gl/rTpBXb


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

I remember reading in the Bible that God punishes children for their parents sin. Is that so?

The Aleppo Codex is a medieval manuscript of t...
The Aleppo Codex is a medieval manuscript of the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh), associated with Rabbi Aaron Ben Asher. The Masoretic scholars wrote it in the early 10th century, probably in Tiberias, Israel. It is in book form and contains the vowel points and grammar points (nikkudot) that specify the pronunciation of the ancient Hebrew letters to preserve the chanting tradition. It is perhaps the most historically important Hebrew manuscript in existence. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

No, not exactly. In fact there is scripture to the contrary.
Please read Ezekiel 18:14-20, and the promise of the new covenant -- Jeremiah 31:28-34. Children often do inherit problems from the parents. Sinful patterns of behavior are often passed on to family members. An environment of alcoholism, sexual abuse or violence can scar children for life, but these children will answer to God for their own lives, not for those of their parents. Your question probably came from reading Numbers 14:18. I believe scripture is consistent in that God punishes people for their own sins, and Numbers 14:18 is referring to passing on of a sinful nature, or the sad results of sinful parents. Are not "crack babies" punished for the sins of their parents? The parents do it though, not God.

Related scripture:  Deuteronomy 24:16

Would you like to know more?  Feel free to email me at: wcweeks1@gmail.com

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Monday, May 1, 2017

If God is in control of everything; if God is sovereign and rules all, why should we pray?


While it is true that God is sovereign and rules over all, we must understand that God has ordained not only the "ends" but also the "means" to those ends.  God has not only predetermined to bring certain things about, but also He has ordained to accomplish some specific things as a result of the individual prayers of His saints (us). Therefore, we absolutely should pray for specific needs.  Let us not forget the teaching of James 4:2 "You do not have, because you do not ask God." (also see 1 Thessalonians 5:17)  Further, our God is the god of love and a God of personal relationships. He desires that we be in communion with Him. He wants a close personal relationship with each one of us. How could that be possible without intimate conversation?  That alone is reason enough to pray.

Related scripture:  Philippians 4:6

Would you like to know more?  Feel free to email me at: wcweeks1@gmail.com

Take a minute and check out my ebooks, all on one page: http://goo.gl/rTpBXb


Friday, April 28, 2017

Does God ever change his mind?

.Some people believe that God cannot change his mind contradicting his unchanging nature.  Others believe that since God knows all things, he does not change his mind. However, the Bible often speaks of God's mercy in terms of God changing his mind about judgment. God does changehis mind, but not the way we humans do. God, being sovereign can predetermine to change his course of action in response to our prayers, while leaving his ultimate purposes unchanged. He simply builds in options into his purposes from the start. Its kind of like taking a trip and alteringthe route along the way, but ending up at the pre-planned destination. Our God never changes, but can change his mind in response to our prayers. For examples of God changing his mind see: Exodus 32:9-14; Isaiah 38:1-4; Hosea 11:8,9

Related scripture:  Jonah 3:10

Would you like to know more?  Feel free to email me at: wcweeks1@gmail.com

Take a minute and check out my ebooks, all on one page: http://goo.gl/rTpBXb.


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Bible seems to say that God establishes all governments. Does He establish the bad ones too?

In some cases God allows unjust or even evil leaders to obtain positions of power and leadership.  Sometime they even become rulers over nations. That does not mean that God participates in their evil activities.  God can, however, use human deeds -- good or evil -- to help accomplish His greater purposes, which are always good. A Biblical example is His use of evil Babylon to discipline the nation of Judah. He permitted brutal rulers to conquer his people in the hopes that his people would turn again to him. See “Habakkuk 1:6”  God always wants leaders to govern fairly and justly. Sometimes they don't.

Related scripture:  Romans 13:1

Would you like to know more?  Feel free to email me at: wcweeks1@gmail.com

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Monday, April 24, 2017

I struggle to do the right thing, but it seems I often do the wrong thing. Why does God tempt us to sin?


God does not tempt us.  That is one of Satan's specialties. God does test us at times, but he does not tempt us. What's the difference? Tempting is trying to get a person to do something wrong.  A trial (or test) is a situation in which God gives a person an opportunity to do something right.  God never tries to trip us up, but he does allow tough circumstances to build our character and spiritual maturity. On occasion God may test us by putting us directly into Satan's line of fire. God doesn't test us so that we may fall into sin.  He tests us so that we might be victorious. As far as your struggle to do the right thing, we all struggle there.  You are not alone. Even the Apostle Paul faced this struggle. (see Romans 7:7-25)  Make up your mind that you will not be tempted by sin, and then do the best you can. Ask God for forgiveness when you fail.

Related scripture:  Mark 1:12,13. Also see Matthew 4:1-11 & Luke 4:1-13

Would you like to know more?  Feel free to email me at: wcweeks1@gmail.com

Take a minute and check out my ebooks, all on one page: http://goo.gl/rTpBXb


Sunday, April 9, 2017



          It’s Saturday.  What a week it has been.  It is very dark in here, and a bit cool.  Not cold, just a bit cool.  I think these linen cloths they wrapped my body in keep it from being too cold.  You see, it was yesterday I died, but you know that. Are you wondering how I can sense cool or cold?  Remember that I have always existed, from before the beginning, and will exist forever.  There are no blank spots in my existence, not even when my body was dead and in this tomb.  I am the Alpha and the Omega. I have almost completed my work here on earth. I have suffered; I have died; and tomorrow I will rise again. Tomorrow morning when Mary Magdalene and the other Mary come to anoint my body, they will find it is not here, but I will have someone explain it to them.  Calvary Crucifixion With Sun...

          I have cried a lot in the past few hours, not because of my circumstances, but because of yours. You see, I have done what was required of me, and I did it to save you. To my sadness, there are many of you who still won’t acknowledge me. Even after all I have done for you, because of my love for you. Yesterday, I cried out “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” But I know why; it was for you -- because of my love for you. So now I ask you -- why are you forsaking me?  I love you -- please come to me.

          Oh yes, what a week it has been.  It was just last Sunday that I arrived in Jerusalem.  I entered the town on a donkey amidst shouts of  “Hosanna to the Son of David, the King of Israel.  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” from an enthusiastic welcoming crowd.   It was only a short time later the same crowd was yelling “Crucify him!” , but that did not stop me from loving them.  They did not know what they were doing.

          On Monday, there was a little incident at the temple.  When I got there,  merchants were buying and selling doves and other things, and money changers were profiting from very active trade.  They had turned my house into a den of robbers!  How dare they!  My house is to be a house of prayer. So, I turned over their tables and drove them from the temple.  What else could I do?  They had created an environment of stealing instead of healing.  It could not be tolerated.

          Tuesday was a little better.  I was able to spend some time teaching at the temple. But even while doing so, my authority was questioned.  Later in the day I went to the home of Simon the Leper.  A woman there named Mary poured some nice perfume on my head, and then poured the nard on my feet and wiped my feet with her hair. She really didn't know it but she was preparing my body for burial.

          Wednesday is the day that the plot against me began to take shape. Judas went to the chief priests and asked them what they would give him if he would hand me over to them.  They gave him thirty silver coins. 

          Thursday I enjoyed Passover in a large upper room with my disciples. I let Judas know that I knew he would betray me.  He denied it, but we know the truth, don’t we?  During the meal I taught the disciples about the new covenant and how to stay in communion with me with bread and wine.  The bread is my body, and the wine is my blood -- poured out for you.   Later in the day we went to Gethsemane because I wanted to pray.  I was very distressed and troubled. My soul was overwhelmed with sorrow. I fell to the ground in prayer and asked the Father to take this cup from me if it was possible, but I knew it wasn't possible, and I wept.  Sweat that was like blood dripped from my body. I was in torment, but I understood my mission;  a mission of love. A mission of salvation.

          Friday was the worst!  First I was arrested, then a trial that was nothing more than a mock trial.  After it ended, I was flogged and handed over to be crucified.  What do you know about flogging?  Do you know that it is done with a leather whip with multiple ends, and that there are sharp pieces of bone and metal in each end?  Do you know that it leaves the back raw and bleeding, and sometimes exposes bones and organs?  Do you know that sometimes it actually causes death?  Did you know that?  I endured that for you -- because I love you. And do you want to know something else?  I would do it again -- for you. 

          After they were done flogging me, they made me carry the cross they were to crucify me on, up the hill to Golgotha.  People spit on me and mocked me. They hung me on that cross, between two robbers.  They pierced my side with a spear.  I died on that cross. I won’t tell you how horrible death on a Roman cross is, but you ought to know they came up with this method of execution because it is the most painful death imaginable. My mother was a witness.  It is finished.  In just a few hours I will leave this tomb, and my mission here will be finished, but I will be with you always -- until the end.

          My beloved, I tell you the truth -- I did it for you.  You and your salvation.  Yet, I weep because some among you won’t acknowledge me.  Some among you won’t listen to what I say when I say “Knock and the door will be opened.”  I love you so much that I want you to spend eternity with me in paradise.  Won’t you accept my invitation?  Won’t you let me live in you?  Won’t you experience the joy of real life?


Would you like to know more?  Feel free to email me at: wcweeks1@gmail.com

Take a minute and check out my ebooks, all on one page: http://goo.gl/rTpBXb


Friday, April 7, 2017

The Bible speaks of "fear of God." Should we live in fear or terror of God?

English: Statue "Fear of the Lord" b...
English: Statue "Fear of the Lord" by Karin Jonzen at Guildford Cathedral (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


No, we should not.  The fear the Bible is referring to is not the kind of fear that makes us tremble. This fear is actually another word for reverence or worship. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of all knowledge.  I think this suggests that if we properly acknowledge God and give Him the worship He deserves we will begin to gain wisdom. We are to approach God with an attitude of humility and awe, not dread and fright. We should fear God in our daily lives, whether relating to money, work, marriage or other issues we face, giving God the honor due Him by obeying His will in each of these areas. A wise person will seek God's perspective on matters before acting.  God deserves our fear, but we are not to be afraid of Him. 

Related scripture:  Proverbs 1:7

Would you like to know more?  Feel free to email me at: wcweeks1@gmail.com

Take a minute and check out my ebooks, all on one page: http://goo.gl/rTpBXb

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Since the sins of believers were washed away by Christ on the cross, how can believers be judged?


Good Question.  Since we are justified by faith and not by works, how can we be judged at all?  2 Cor. 5:10 is telling us of the importance of living according to what we believe.  While salvation is a matter of faith, other eternal rewards depend on our faithfulness. See 1 Cor.3:8 & 3:13-15.  We believers are judged righteous in Christ, but will also be rewarded in accordance with the things we do while in the body, whether good or bad. It does matter what we do.  God expects our behavior to reflect Him in us. The details of this judgment are not important.  What is important is that the Judge is fair and will reward us as we deserve.

Related scripture:  2 Corinthians 5:10
Would you like to know more?  Feel free to email me at: wcweeks1@gmail.com

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Sunday, April 2, 2017

Are we saved by grace alone, or do we need to do good works?

HOLY SPIRIT - FOIX (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Our salvation is a gracious gift of God.  God gave us this gift when we accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. No one can take this gift from us.  It is irrevocable. You cannot earn your way into heaven. Works are not necessary. (see Ephesians 2:8-9 
Having said that, you will notice many Christians who spend a lot of time doing "works."  That is normal and natural byproduct of Christianity. The Holy Spirit residing in us moves us to do good works.  In fact it is difficult not to do good works, considering God prepared them
in advance for us to do (see Ephesians 2:10. We cannot earn salvation through works. When you really consider it, isn't it a bit silly to think we (us sinners) could do anything for a sinless Holy God that would get Him to change his mind and let us into heaven?  After what He did for us! For more on faith and deeds

read James 2:14-24. In reading don't confuse justification with salvation.

Related scripture:  Ephesians 2:8-9

Would you like to know more?  Feel free to email me at: wcweeks1@gmail.com

Take a minute and check out my ebooks, all on one page: http://goo.gl/rTpBXb



Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Can someone who is saved, someone who has accepted Jesus, fall away and lose their salvation?

In a word -- no.  Having said that, some explanation is in order. When a person accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior, they must be sincere in that acceptance. They must have a right heart. They cannot just be playing a game or dabbling in Christianity. They must develop a personal relationship with Jesus. True believers won't fall away though they may have times where they "backslide."  Luke 8:13 speaks of falling away, but I believe this is referring to the appearance of falling away, rather than truly falling away. I think anyone who "falls away" was not truly sincere in their acceptance. John 10:28 says "I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand."  Since "no one" includes us, we cannot do anything to take ourselves away from God.  Again this assumes we were sincere in our acceptance.  

Salvation is a gracious gift of God. Once accepted, it is ours and we cannot lose it. 

Related scripture:  Ephesians 2:8

Would you like to know more?  Feel free to email me at: wcweeks1@gmail.com

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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

How can a loving God sentence people to eternal suffering in hell?

Our God is indeed a God of love.  As such he gives us free will.  He does not "sentence" us to hell.  We get to make that choice. Hell is eternal separation from God. Since God is love, hell is the absence of love.  Since God is light, hell is the absence of light. Our God is not only the God of love, He is also perfect righteousness and absolute holiness. As such, there can be absolutely no sin in his presence in heaven.  We are all sinners, forgiven by God's grace and Christ's sacrifice in place of us.  The truth is we all deserve hell, but God provided an alternative: heaven. God's word makes it clear that He would prefer every human being spend eternity in heaven with Him, but He left the choice to us.  Accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, or accept hell.  Easy choice for me! 

So God does not "sentence" anyone to hell.  He gives us a choice.  It is truly up to each of us individually. Choose heaven, or choose hell.

Related scripture:  John 5:24

Would you like to know more?  Feel free to email me at: wcweeks1@gmail.com

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