I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn’t, than live my life as if there isn’t, and die to find out there is!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Why and How of Christianity

JesusImage via Wikipedia
So here is the deal… God is a perfect being and is glorious. Man, on the other hand, lives in a fallen state. All humans have sinned and are sinners. As such every person falls short of the glory of God.

In His word God tells us that our sin means we deserve death, but because of His grace God has granted us an escape from death. God grants us the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ.  Through this act of grace God demonstrates his love for each sinner.  While we were (are) still in our sin Jesus died for us, in place of us so that we will have eternal life. Jesus took our sin upon Himself and accepted our penalty.

While God offers this gracious gift to each sinner, each sinner must accept the gift.  Look at it this way – If someone wanted to give you a gift and brought it to your front door and left it there, a gift has been offered. However, for the gift to have value it must be received. If you never opened your front door and picked up the gift available there it would have no value.  The gift must be received. 

So God offers us the gift of eternal life with He and Jesus but we must receive that gift. God has given us free will to make the decision to accept or not accept His gift. To accept His gift we must accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, and turn away from our sinful ways.  When we do this all of our sins are wiped away, because Jesus has already died just for that purpose. When you accept God’s gift with a right heart (you are sincere) you receive the gift of salvation and eternal life.

Please understand that this is the ONLY way you can spend eternity with God in Heaven.  There is no other way – you cannot do it without God’s grace. You cannot do it yourself. It does require faith, but if you ask, God will also give you the needed faith.

If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.  God has made it clear to us that "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

What some people don’t understand is that we, each of us, are eternal spiritual beings.  We have a physical body while we are here on earth, and it will one day no longer be alive. But our spiritual bodies will live on for all eternity.  Eternity is a VERY LONG time.  God has given you the option to spend eternity with Him and Jesus… or spend it elsewhere.  Make no mistake about it though; you will spend eternity somewhere. Why not spend it in paradise with God?


If you have not accepted God’s gift why not do it right now?  It’s an easy simple process.  Just read and repeat the following short prayer with a sincere heart and you will receive eternal salvation:

    Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner and I need your forgiveness. I know you died on the cross for me. I now turn from my sins and ask you to forgive me.  I now invite you into my heart and life. I now trust you as savior and I will follow you as Lord.  Thank you for saving me. Thank you for your gracious gift.


Relevant Scripture
Romans 3:23
Romans 6:23
Romans 5:8
Acts 3:19
Ephesians 2:8
Romans 10:9,10
Romans 10:13

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Monday, March 29, 2010


"Kreuzigung" by Meister des Marienle...Image via Wikipedia
It's Saturday. What a week it has been. It is very dark in here, and a bit cool. Not cold, just a bit cool. I think these linen cloths they wrapped my body in keep it from being too cold. You see, it was yesterday I died, but you know that. Are you wondering how I can sense cool or cold? Remember that I have always existed, from before the beginning, and will exist forever. There are no blank spots in my existence, not even when my body was dead and in this tomb. I am the Alpha and the Omega. I have almost completed my work here on earth. I have suffered; I have died; and tomorrow I will rise again. Tomorrow morning when Mary Magdalene and the other Mary come to anoint my body, they will find it is not here, but I will have someone explain it to them.

I have cried a lot in the past few hours, not because of my circumstances, but because of yours. You see, I have done what was required of me, and I did it to save you. To my sadness, there are many of you who still won't acknowledge me. Even after all I have done for you, because of my love for you. Yesterday, I cried out "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" But I know why; it was for you -- because of my love for you. So now I ask you -- why are you forsaking me? I love you -- please come to me.

Oh yes, what a week it has been. It was just last Sunday that I arrived in Jerusalem. I entered the town on a donkey amidst shouts of "Hosanna to the Son of David, the King of Israel. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord" from an enthusiastic welcoming crowd. It was only a short time later the same crowd was yelling "Crucify him!" , but that did not stop me from loving them. They did not know what they were doing.

On Monday, there was a little incident at the temple. When I got there, merchants were buying and selling doves and other things, and money changers were profiting from very active trade. They had turned my house into a den of robbers! How dare they! My house is to be a house of prayer. So, I turned over their tables and drove them from the temple. What else could I do? They had created an environment of stealing instead of healing. It could not be tolerated.

Tuesday was a little better. I was able to spend some time teaching at the temple. But even while doing so, my authority was questioned. Later in the day I went to the home of Simon the Leper. A woman there named Mary poured some nice perfume on my head, and then poured the nard on my feet and wiped my feet with her hair. She really didn't know it but she was preparing my body for burial.

Wednesday is the day that the plot against me began to take shape. Judas went to the chief priests and asked them what they would give him if he would hand me over to them. They gave him thirty silver coins.

Thursday I enjoyed Passover in a large upper room with my disciples. I let Judas know that I knew he would betray me. He denied it, but we know the truth, don't we? During the meal I taught the disciples about the new covenant and how to stay in communion with me with bread and wine. The bread is my body, and the wine is my blood -- poured out for you. Later in the day we went to Gethsemane because I wanted to pray. I was very distressed and troubled. My soul was overwhelmed with sorrow. I fell to the ground in prayer and asked the Father to take this cup from me if it was possible, but I knew it wasn't possible, and I wept. Sweat that was like blood dripped from my body. I was in torment, but I understood my mission; a mission of love. A mission of salvation.

Friday was the worst! First I was arrested, then a trial that was nothing more than a mock trial. After it ended, I was flogged and handed over to be crucified. What do you know about flogging? Do you know that it is done with a leather whip with multiple ends, and that there are sharp pieces of bone and metal in each end? Do you know that it leaves the back raw and bleeding, and sometimes exposes bones and organs? Do you know that sometimes it actually causes death? Did you know that? I endured that for you -- because I love you. And do you want to know something else? I would do it again -- for you.

After they were done flogging me, they made me carry the cross they were to crucify me on, up the hill to Golgotha. People spit on me and mocked me. They hung me on that cross, between two robbers. They pierced my side with a spear. I died on that cross. I won't tell you how horrible death on a Roman cross is, but you ought to know they came up with this method of execution because it is the most painful death imaginable. My mother was a witness. It is finished. In just a few hours I will leave this tomb, and my mission here will be finished, but I will be with you always -- until the end.

My beloved, I tell you the truth -- I did it for you. You and your salvation. Yet, I weep because some among you won't acknowledge me. Some among you won't listen to what I say when I say "Knock and the door will be opened." I love you so much that I want you to spend eternity with me in paradise. Won't you accept my invitation? Won't you let me live in you? Won't you experience the joy of real life?


Be blessed,

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Holy Laughter

The foundation of Christ 1 Corinthians 3:11; p...Image via Wikipedia
Question: A friend of mine went to a church service where several people broke out in "holy laughter." Is holy laughter biblical?

Based upon all that I can find in scripture, it is not. When I look at the ministry of Jesus, I don't find a single recorded case of people breaking into uncontrolled laughter. Further, I find none in the ministry of Paul or in the ministries of any of the Apostles.  I don't find a single verse of Scripture that says that when the Holy Spirit comes upon a person he or she breaks out in uncontrollable laughter. I do however find Scripture that indicates this phenomenon is not of the Holy Spirit. Lets start with the one above, Galatians 5:22,23. How do we reconcile uncontrolled laughter with the fruit of self-control? In the holy laughter phenomenon, people laugh uncontrollably even when there is nothing funny to laugh about. That is not self-control! 1 Corinthians 14:40 says "But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way."  It is hardly fitting or orderly when people laugh uncontrollably in church. For God is not a God of disorder but of peace. 1 Corinthians 14:33  No, I don't find anything in Scripture that even remotely resembles holy laughter. Since we are told to test all things against Scripture (1 Thessalonians 5:21)  I must conclude the phenomenon of holy laughter is not biblical.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Galatians 5:22,23

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Must I tithe a full 10%?

A picture of Pisgah Baptist Church in Four Oak...Image via Wikipedia

Question: As much as I want to, I can't always give a full 10% of my income to the church. I feel bad about it but sometimes there is just not enough money.  How much trouble am I in?

Not much, depending on your attitude. The concept of tithing (giving 10%) is Old Testament teaching. There is nothing in the New Testament where God tells believers they should give 10% of their income to the church. The New Testament suggests giving by grace. We are to give freely as we have been given freely to. (see Matthew 10:8) This is an attitude thing. For some this will be less than 10% and for others, those materially blessed by God, the amount will exceed 10%. (see 2 Corinthians 9:7) I do believe the Old Testament tithing concept should be used as a guideline or a goal we should strive for even if we are struggling financially, but if you are truly giving what you are able you are making God happy. Remember, He knows your heart. More important than the amount of money you are giving is that you have given yourself to the Lord. Only then will you have a proper perspective on money.

For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have. 2 Corinthians 8:12

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

When Resurrected did Jesus Have a Material Body?

Luca Signorelli - "Resurrection of the Fl...Image via Wikipedia

Question: I think the Bible teaches that when Jesus was resurrected He had a material body.  Is that so, and if it is, how did He get into a room when the door was closed and locked?

Good question! You are no doubt referring to John 20:19. First question first. Yes, the resurrection body of Jesus was material, otherwise there would have been no resurrection. Jesus Himself predicted His bodily resurrection in John 2:18-22. On to the second part of your question; how did He get on the other side of the locked door? I don't know, but please let me remind you of a few things. First, Jesus is God and therefore can do anything! Remember He performed many miracles prior to His crucifixion and we, with our limited earthly knowledge, are unable to explain how they were done. For just one example, how about when He walked on water.  Scripture also tells us that Christ's resurrection body was "supernatural." Some use this as an answer to your question, but I don't accept this answer. It seems to suggest He would not have been able to enter the closed and locked room in His pre-resurrection body. That simply is not true. Jesus is, and always was, God. He can (and could) do anything He chose to do.

Relevant Scripture
"Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have."  
Luke 24:39

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Can Christians Play Cards, See Movies, Go to Dances?

Photo of "Bicycle" brand playing car...Image via Wikipedia
Questions: I have some friends who say it is wrong for Christians to play cards, go to movies, go to dances and stuff like that.  Is that correct?

I do not believe so. The above Scripture, 1 Corinthians 10:23, seems to indicate otherwise. I think studying 1 Corinthians (specifically chapter 8) will give you a lot of insight into this age-old question. While this chapter talks about meat, eating and idols, try replacing those with cards, dances and movies, or anything else for that matter, and in no particular order, and see what message you get. I think we are being told that while what we do is somewhat important, the affect of our actions upon those we come in contact with is far more important (see verse 13). Also: It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother to fall. Romans 14:21  So, it appears playing cards, going to movies, going to dances and such activities can be OK, or, under some conditions, not OK. You might find it helpful to apply the test of 1 Corinthians 10:31,32 to any questionable activity. I think the answer will become apparent.

Relevant Scripture
"Everything is permissible" -- but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible" -- but not everything is constructive. 1 Corinthians 10:23

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What Would Jesus Do?

JesusImage via Wikipedia
Question: "What would Jesus do?" is still popular right now, and was very popular in the recent past, especially among the young. Does it really have any application to how Christians are to live their lives?

Absolutely! WWJD can be applied to every event and decision in our lives; right now, today! In view of 1 John 2:6, we ought to constantly be asking ourselves this question.  You see, the standard for Christian living is not the Ten Commandments (though we need to heed them), and it's not even the Golden Rule (though we ought to heed it)-- the standard is Jesus Himself. The Lord Jesus gave His disciples a new law to live by: John 13:34, and the example of Himself. Jesus is our model. You are wrong if you ask yourself "What would other Christians tell me to do?" And wrong even if you ask "What would other Christians do?" But you will always be right if you ask "What would Jesus do?" and then do the same. Of course, you must know Jesus before you can know what Jesus would do.


Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.
1 John 2:6

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Did Moses Write Genesis?

Moses mosaic on display at the Cathedral Basil...Image via Wikipedia

Question: How could Moses have written Genesis when writing was not yet known in his time?

This is an old criticism which is still voiced sometimes today. First, we need to all get on the same page; writing was known and widely used long before Moses' time. Archeologists have unearthed an ancient library in the city of Ur containing thousands of stone "books." You may recall that Ur of the Chaldees was Abraham's home long before he migrated to Canaan, and those stone books were written even before Abraham's day. Many of the books constituted records of very mundane activities, which seems to indicate that not only scholars, but also common tradesman could read and write. It is quite certain that Moses, educated in the palace of the Egyptian emperor as he was, was fully competent to write the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible).

Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face. Who did all those miraculous signs and wonders the Lord sent him to do in Egypt -- to Pharaoh and to all his officials and to his whole land.  Deuteronomy 34:10-11.

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Monday, February 8, 2010

Did God Get Tired on Day Six of Creation?

The Flammarion woodcut portrays the cosmos as ...Image via Wikipedia

Question: If God is all-powerful why did he have to rest after working on creation for six days?

Well, certainly not because he was tired! He did not rest in the sense that His physical energy had been depleted or that He needed to recuperate. An all-powerful God doesn't need to rest. The Hebrew word for rest communicates the idea of "ceasing from activity."  Genesis 2:2 simply says God completed His work on creation and stopped. The job was done. There was nothing further to do. Perhaps He ceased working in order to make a division between His work of creation and His later ongoing work in the world. Whatever the reason, it's clear that He modeled a pattern that He wants us to follow -- we should rest one day in seven, and we are to set that one day apart as holy to the Lord.

Relevant Scripture
By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Genesis 2:2

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Saturday, February 6, 2010

What is the gospel?

JesusImage via Wikipedia

Question: What is the gospel?

The word gospel, translated from Greek in the New Testament literally means "good news."  The gospel is simply the "good news" that Jesus the Lord, the Son of God, became a man so that He could die in atonement for our sins, then after being buried for three days rose from the grave forever settling our sin-debt before a holy God. Perhaps the best single definition of the gospel found in Scripture is the one above -- 1 Corinthians 15:3,4. According to this passage the "good news" has four components: (1) man is a sinner; (2) Christ is the Savior; (3) Christ died as a substitute for man; and (4) Christ rose from the dead. From the time of Paul, this is the "good news" he and others preached.  We are called to do the same.

Relevant Scripture
For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, 1 Corinthians 15:3,4.

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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Will I Become an Angel when I Die?

Archangels Michael and Gabriel, 12th cenrtury,...Image via Wikipedia

Question: Growing up I believed that we humans became angels in heaven when we died.  Is this so?

No. Many people grow up with this misconception. It probably stems from parents seeking an easy way to explain the afterlife to children, but it is incorrect.  Colossians 1:16 tells us that Christ created the angels, and that He created them as angels. Elsewhere in the Bible distinctions are made between man and angels supporting their being separate distinct creations. Hebrews 12:22,23 seems clearly to distinguish between "thousands and thousands of angels in joyful assembly" and "the spirits of righteous men made perfect." 1 Corinthians 6:3 tells us there will be a time (in the afterlife) when man will judge the angels. It also seems that 1 Corinthians 13:1 makes a distinction between humans and angels.

Relevant Scripture
What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.  Psalms 8:4,5.

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Monday, January 25, 2010

My Husband is Not a Christian. Should I Leave Him?

Millennium Prayer to World PeaceImage by Loci Lenar via Flickr
Question:  My husband of five years is not a Christian.  I thought he might change with my influence, but he shows no signs, and now I feel "unequally yoked." In view of 2 Corinthians 6:14 am I justified in seeking a divorce?

Answer: Absolutely not! The Scripture you referenced in no way suggests or condones divorce. 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 admonishes us to be careful in entering into relationships, (all types not just marriage) and that we should enter into relationships with believers whenever possible.  If, for some reason we do not heed the admonition, God has provided ample Scripture to guide us in those relationships, once established, even if we are "unequally yoked." I think the Scripture that is applicable to your situation is 1 Corinthians 7:13,16. Go and read it, and while you are at it read Genesis 2:24.  Remember, your marriage was a covenant with God as well as with your husband. God does not honor divorce, and Christians should not consider divorce an option (or at least the very, very last option in cases of abuse or danger). God joined you together, and told you to stay together, so you better figure out how to do it. I will pray for your situation.

Relevant Scripture
"Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' and said, 'for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh?' So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let no man separate." Matthew 19:4-6

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Is the Trinity a Valid Christian Doctrine?

Luca Rossetti da Orta, The Holy Trinity', fres...Image via Wikipedia
Question: I hear Christians speak of the "Trinity" yet I cannot find the word in the Bible.  Does that mean it is an unbiblical doctrine?

Answer: You are correct in that the word "Trinity" does not appear in the Bible, but the concept is clearly derived from Scripture, and is a biblical doctrine. Throughout the Bible references are made to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. There is but one God existing in three personalities (or persons). In fact, there is very strong biblical support for the doctrine of the Trinity.  Some of the Scripture supporting one God --
1 Corinthians 8:4, James 2:19, John 5:44, Romans 3:30 and more. On the one hand, the Scripture is clear that there is only one God; yet, it also is clear that there are three distinct persons who are called God in Scripture. God the Father -- 1 Peter 1:2 and others, God the Son (Jesus)-- John 20:28 and others, God the Holy Spirit -- Acts 5: 3,4. The concept of the Trinity carries through the entire Bible and I have given you a very small sampling of supporting Scripture. No, the word Trinity is not used in the Bible; Yes, the doctrine of the Trinity is a valid biblical doctrine.

Relevant Scripture
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  Matthew 28:19

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Monday, January 18, 2010

Is Jesus telling us to hate our families?

El Greco's Jesus Carrying the Cross, 1580.Image via Wikipedia

Question: I am having a little trouble understanding Luke 14:26. Jesus seems to be telling us to hate our families. Is this so?

Jesus' comments in Luke 14:26 are an example of hyperbole, a form of speech that exaggerates for emphasis. Jesus was setting up an extreme contrast to make a point. He was describing to His disciples the total love and commitment they were to have. In the Hebrew mindset of the time to "hate" simply meant to "love less." Jesus was saying that our supreme love must be for Him. Everything (and everyone) else must take second place. Measuring our love for Christ against all lesser loves may make these lesser loves seem like hate by comparison.

Relevent Scripture
"Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me;" Matthew 10:37

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Monday, January 11, 2010

If Jesus came to save us, what happened to all those in Old Testament times?

Golgotha Crucifix, designed by Paul Nagel, Chu...Image via Wikipedia

Question: I'm confused. The Bible says Jesus died on the cross for my sins.  What happened to all those people in the Old Testament who died before Jesus came?

It's important to remember that Jesus the Christ, the Lamb of God, died for each of us individually; His sacrifice was for all of us, including those in the Old Testament.  You can look upon this as sort of "retroactive" atonement. Remember God always had a plan of redemption for us, and that plan was laid prior to the foundation of the earth being laid. Jesus always was going to be the sacrificial lamb, from the beginning. So the Old Testament believers received the redemption and atonement in the same manner we have; by the blood of Christ. Their sins were imputed to Him beforehand. (see Romans 3:25 --best in the King James version) Christ died for our sins; past, present and future. In the case of the Old Testament believers, it's just past sins.

Relevant Scripture
For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance -- now that he has died as a  ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant. Hebrews 9:15

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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Where do babies spend eternity?

Salvation for AllImage by rogiro via Flickr
Question:  My sister's baby boy lived just one year then died. Where will he spend eternity? What if he had died in the womb?

Let's start with your second question. First, it is important to know that even though a child in the womb does not "breathe" it is alive in the mother. Therefore it has a soul and a spirit as well as a living body in the prenatal state. This, in essence makes your two questions one. What happens to children who die before they are old enough to accept Jesus as their lord and savior?  Everyone needs salvation, even those too young to know it. We are all born into sin. However, those children who die prior to reaching their individual age of accountability are under the blood and saved by the blood of Christ.  Remember, Jesus died for all, including the children. Children who are to young to accept Jesus, and understand what they have done, will spend eternity in heaven with God. It is very important that just as soon as your children are old enough to understand, you lead them to Christ. See Mark 10:14

Relevant scripture
Even from birth the wicked go astray; from the womb they are wayward and speak lies. Psalms 58:3

In the Grip of Grace,


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Monday, January 4, 2010

Was Jesus Simply Just a Good Moral Teacher?

Christians believe that Jesus is the mediator ...Image via Wikipedia
I have heard that Jesus was not really God, but was a good moral teacher who was trying to set an example for us. Is this true?

Absolutely not!  Jesus told us He is God in several places in the bible. In addition to the verse above, read John 6:29,40. Think about it for a minute; Jesus as only a good moral teacher does not make sense. If Jesus said He is God, and he is not, then he must have been a liar. If he was a liar, how could he have been a good moral teacher, since the act of lying reflects bad morals. Would someone who was just a teacher of moral values claim that the destiny of the world lay in His hands? Would he tell people they would spend eternity in heaven or hell, depending upon their believing in Him? I think not. Further, for Jesus to tell people that He is God, and the Savior of the world (Luke 19:10) when he really was not, would be the height of immorality. Yes, Jesus was (and is) a good moral teacher, but He also was (and is) God.

Revelant Scripture
"I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!"  John 8:58

Jesus answered: "Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'?   John 14:9

In the Grip of Grace,


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