Why I carry a gun… and where.
I carry a gun because I am a good guy…
For just a bit of background I will tell you I live in
California. I have a CCW permit issued by the Placer county Sheriffs
department. It took me almost a full year to obtain the CCW permit. I am now
legal to carry a concealed weapon in any county in California, and in a few
other states that recognize a CCW permit issued in California. There was a fair
amount of required training and extensive background checks including the FBI
& DOJ. And these came after the California BG check.
When you begin carrying a concealed weapon you are
exposing yourself to enormous potential liability. First, should you ever find
yourself in the position of having to shoot at someone, you better be darn sure
you really needed to shoot. Even if you are in the right 100%, you are going to
be arrested and spend at least one night in jail. Then, you will begin a long
and expensive legal battle, because you are going to be sued. Ether by the
recipient of your bullet(s), or his/her family. You can count on that. That is
just the way our world works today. It is my fervent prayer that I am never put in the position of
shooting someone. Having said that and being very serious about it, I would
like to be clear on one thing: Should I be in a position where my defensive
posture is to shoot a bad guy/gal to protect myself, my family or anyone else…
I will do it without hesitation. As fast as possible I will put two 9mm holes
in the chest of the threat. With the ammunition I use, there is a better than
90% chance the perpetrator will not survive.
Okay, so why do I carry a gun? There are really two
reasons. One reason is for self-protection and the other is for protection of
others. At my age (I am 70) most people are retired and living a life of
leisure. While I guess that technically I am retired, I am still working. I do
property inspections (Fannie Mae, HUD etc.) to supplement my Social Security
income, and my wife’s employment income. The properties I inspect are owned by
the mentioned quasi-government agencies, and are supposed to be vacant. Because
the agencies became the owners via foreclosure you can imagine that a fairly
high percentage of them are in blighted and high crime areas. I call it visiting the “badlands”. These are
dangerous areas and it’s risky just going there, not to mention I have
encountered squatters, evidence of drug parties, etc. I carry a gun for protection in these high
risk areas.
When I am not working, and I am just living my life, I am
carrying my gun most of the time. I am not carrying it because I feel the need
for protection personally, I am carrying it to protect others. Others like my
wife, friends, neighbors, and other church attenders. Yes, I usually carry my
gun when I attend church. Again, not because I feel the need for personal
protection, I don’t. But because we live in such a crazy society, you never
know what some nut is going to do. And when that nut appears I will do my best
to stop him/her. I carry my gun to church and other places to protect others…
to protect you! We are about one year
past that terrible movie theater shooting in Colorado. Wouldn’t it have been nice if there had been
a couple of people attending that movie who were carrying a gun? No doubt there
would have been a different outcome.
Except when working, I don’t carry a gun for my own
protection, but for yours. I don’t know where the dangerous crazy person is
going to be. If I did know, I just would not go there. But I can’t know, so I
carry my concealed weapon most of the time. Again, I pray I will NEVER need to
use it, but if necessary I will.
Quote from: Wayne LaPierre, the National Rifle Association’s
executive vice president
“The only thing that stops a bad guy
with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”